Take the Hype Out of Hypertension

Thursday, February 19, 2009

High blood pressure or hypertension affects millions of Americans each year. It is especially common among blacks in Africa and America. Persistent hypertension can lead to strokes, heart failure, heart attack, and arterial aneurysm. Hypertension is a leading cause of chronic renal failure. How can you take the "hype" out of hypertension? Have you had your blood pressure checked recently?

Blood pressure at 120/80 or lower reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Although drug therapy is still necessary for many patients with moderate or severe hypertension, there are steps that you can take to lower or prevent high blood pressure. Take the "hype" out of hypertension with these steps:

  • Reduce your salt intake. Use a salt substitute, cook with herbs, spices, and citrus juices. Reducing sodium intake decreases blood pressure in approximately 60% of people.
  • Regular exercise improves blood flow. If you are overweight, losing 10 pounds can reduce your pressure by several points. Always check with your doctor before any major exercise changes.
  • Limit the intake of tobacco and alcohol. Do not exceed 2 servings of alcohol daily. Avoiding the use of tobacco will reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
  • Adopt a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, grain, low-fat dairy products. Eat small servings of sweets and meats.
  • Increase your daily intake of calcium which has the benefit of increasing dietary potassium.
  • Relaxation theraphy such as yoga or meditation, can also be beneficial.

If you are diagnosed with hypertension, there is a lot that you can do on your own to maintain a healthy blood pressure. If your doctor prescribes medication, take it as instructed. Never stop taking medication unless you are instructed by your your health care provider. Finally, keep all of your appointments and tell your doctor if you experience any sudden change in your health.

Alternative Medicine

Friday, February 13, 2009

Alternative medicine is a combined term used for various methods or practices of healing brought in practice by physicians or non-physicians, in addition to or apart from the conventional medicine. It is estimated that a little over 33% of the US population uses some form of alternative medicine that is mainly comprised of remedies derived from several different types of traditional and ethnic therapies. All of these therapies have diverse practice and/ or product based guidelines that are not a part of conventional Western medicine. This may include meditation, acupuncture, prayer, herbal supplements, chiropractors, massage therapy and other natural medicines.

Body Scrub : Melancarkan Peredaran Darah

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Meskipun termasuk masih baru di dunia barat, scrub tubuh ini sudah menjadi tradisi di negara-negara timur tengah selama berabad-abad. Gunakan scrub tubuh apabila Anda merasa perlu melakukan pembersihan secara mendalam untuk peredaran darah

Scrub buah jeruk
Scrub buah jeruk beraroma segar dan memiliki tekstur agak kasar yang dapat membantu membuang sel-sel kulit mati dan merangsag pasokan darah. Kulit Anda pun terasa segar dan sehat. Resep di bawah ini cukup untuk lima kali perawatan :

45 ml biji bunga matahari yang sudah dihaluskan
45 mlm bubur oat medium
45 ml garam laut kasar
45 ml kulit jeruk yang sudah diparut
15 ml kulit lemon yang diparut
3 tetes minyak essential grape fruit
botol kaca tertutup
minyak almond

Campur semua bahan hingga merata dan simpan dalam bejana kaca yang tertutup rapat. Ketika siap untuk perawatan, ambil 1/5 bagian scrub. Setelah itu, dalam sebuah mangkuk dangkal, campur bahan dengan minyak almond sampai menjadi semacam pasta. Buka semua pakaian dan berdirilah di dalam bath up. Oleskan scrub tadi di seluruh tubuh sambil dipijat dengan lembut. Berikan perhatian khusus pada area kulit kering dan keras seperti sikut, lutut dan tumit. Bersihkan sisa-sisa scrub sebelum berendam atau menyiram

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